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Technology iReport

What's Happening in 3rd - 5th Grade?



3rd Grade
Technology Schedule
Monday/Thursday - Period 3 - 301
Tuesday/Friday - Period 3 - 302
Wednesday - Period 3 - 292/391


4th Grade
Technology Schedule
Monday/Friday - Period 7 - 401
Tuesday/Thursday - Period 7 - 402
Wednesday/Thursday - Period 6 - 591/592

5th Grade
Technology Schedule
Monday/Friday - Period 6 - 501
Tuesday - Period 6 - 502
Wednesday/Thursday- Period 6 - 592
Thursday- Period 6 - 591


Visit Our Virtual Classroom to view class lessons

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Students will also learn how to be safe and good digital citizens by completing activities in the Common Sense Media curriculum. 

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Digital Citizenship

Students in 3rd grade will complete activities on Digital Passport to demonstrate their level of understanding of digital citizenship. Students in 4th grade will complete activities in Digital Compass demonstrate their level of understanding of digital citizenship.



Students in grade 5 will complete the digital citizenship curriculum on Ever-Fi.  The program they will be using on this site is called Ignition. There are 7 Modules in Ignition.  Each module focuses on a specific skill which allows students to gain knowledge in becoming an innovative and safe digital citizen.  




Students are practicing their touch typing skills on All Students in grades 3-5 MUST practice typing outside of the computer lab in order to reach their June typing goals.  3rd graders should be typing at least 20 wpm by June, 4th graders' goal is at least 30 wpm and 5th graders should be typing at least 35 wpm. Recommended practice time is 15 minutes daily.  At the end of the year, students in grades 3-5 will learn how to use Microsoft Excel to create a spreadsheet. Students will organize their typing data into their spreadsheet and use formulas to calculate their typing averages and progress.  


Computer Science


Students are introduced to basic coding skills. They also learn a history of computer science. Important vocabulary include debugging, sequence, loops, conditionals, and functions. Students work online to practice beginning coding skills using block coding.



In the Robotics Unit, students are introduced to Dash and Dot. Students use iPads to code for their robots. Students learn to connect to the robots and have them interact with one another. In this unit students practice the skills they learned in Kodable as they continue with block coding.



​In this unit students will have an opportunity to build animations. They will be able to create movies and games they are only limited by their imagination. Students will return to their understanding of block coding and introduce the idea of sprites (characters) to control and have interact. Those students who create games will also have the opportunity to build their own game controller.


Digital Skills

Students in Grades 3-5 will learn how to use applications in Google Apps for Education to create documents in Google Docs, Google Slides, and/or Google Sheets. Students will also use various platforms to develop their digital skills.  




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